Tag: writing

Camp NaNo Begins, Plus a Great World-Building Tip

It’s that time of year again! And this month I’m back at it with the same WIP I’ve been working on for NaNo and the previous Camp. This month I’m going for a complete overhaul of the first 25,000 words, and I’m excited to move … Continue reading Camp NaNo Begins, Plus a Great World-Building Tip

Whoa… We’re Halfway There (NaNo Progress Report: Day 15)

Yes, NaNoWriMo is halfway over, and yes, I have reached 25,000. And the experience has been enlightening in its own way, especially in the past week.

The key to NaNo is to write, no matter what. Since the goal is quantity, the approach is to simply write as many words as possible, regardless of how good they turn out. This is an easy strategy, in theory, but it’s a little more difficult in practice. (more…)

NaNo Progress report: Day 3

So far so good. A routine has been established and momentum is building. So far, being over-prepared has helped immensely in getting me in the right mindset to start. Hopefully, the trend will continue.

Pro tip: make yourself a plan for what you want to write throughout the day. If your writing time is significantly divided (or, like me, you write during your lunch hour), set yourself small writing goals that can be completed and added together when you have more time.


Victory! Camp NaNoWriMo Update

I’m pleased to announce that my first draft of Dragon Age: The Fifth Blight has been completed, and I accomplished my Camp NaNo goal. Camp was a fun experience and a great way to stay motivated to write every day. Some days were better than others, but that’s to be expected. The important part is committing to getting the work done.